Frequently Asked Question

Last Updated 9 months ago

Our goal is to take enough backups so that you don't have to! Our usual policy for websites are:

4x database backups a day - saved for 14 - 30 days
2x file backups a day - saved for 30 days
2x server backups a day - saved for 3-7 days

Twice a day, every day, database and file backups are pushed to a remote location in case of disaster at one of our 2 facilities.

Please be aware that any reversion to an earlier point in time will mean that you will lose information from that point to present (a backup from 1 day ago will not have changes present from today, for example.) 

If you need us to revert your website to a previous backup, PLEASE include in your ticket what your specific issue is as we may be able to just revert a database, and what day and time you'd like restored to. We'll take it from there!

To help us help you more efficiently
: you can always send a ticket to have us to take a quick snapshot backup of your site, and we recommend you do! This allows for a far easier and faster way on our end to revert your site back should the need arise. We recommend you do this before making changes to pages, themes, editing, troubleshooting, or just updates to plugins. This is far easier to deal with than discovering something is not working several days later and needs reverting back. Please include your domain name as well so we don't have to look it up (Your email address doesn't necessarily map to a name our team can remember or to your site.)

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