Frequently Asked Question
This email guide is correct at the time of publishing, and may not accurately reflect subsequent changes to this this email application. (Dec 2019)
1. Click "Settings"
2. Click "Accounts"
3. under Accounts: "Add Account" Or use search and type "Accounts" --> "Add Account" "Mail -> Accounts -> Add Account"
4. Click "Other"
5. Under Mail: click "Add Mail Account"
6. New Account: Name:
7. New Account: Email:
8.New Account: Password: yourpasswordhere **This is your email password**
9. Description:
10. Upper right corner, click Next
**Make sure that the IMAP tab is highlighted**
11. New Account: Incoming Mail Server: Host Name:
12 New Account: Incoming Mail Server: User name:
13: New Account: Incoming Mail Server: Password: yourpasswordhere **This is your email password**
14. New Account: Outgoing Mail Server: Host Name:
15. New Account: Outgoing Mail Server: User
16: New Account: Outgoing Mail Server:Password: yourpasswordhere **This is your email password**
17. Upper right hand corner: click "Next"
18. Upper right hand corner, click "Save"
You should see where your account has been added into the list under "Accounts"
19: Click on the Mail app icon, and you will see your new mailbox!